Our consultation process

The Global Calculator team is committed to openness and transparency. For example, we have published the online tool under a Creative Commons Licence and have also published the full Excel model under an Open Government Licence. The Excel spreadsheet is fully referenced so that everyone can see where our assumptions come from and how the model works.

As part of this commitment, we have consulted hundreds of experts in the development of the model. This is to ensure that we are use the best data, include the most accurate assumptions, and take into account the full range of opinion when we look into what is possible in the future.

A series of nine workshops and various meetings were held during the development phase in Washington DC, London, New Delhi, Beijing and Brussels. These allowed experts in the different sectors included in the model to discuss issues in detail. The tool was then launched in draft form with a call for evidence in July 2014 so that we could receive more feedback on a working prototype. On this page you can see information on our workshops.

Workshops and meetings

Electricity and fossil fuels workshop in New Delhi, 23-24 April 2014:

Land, bioenergy and food workshop held on 22 to 23 April 2014, London:

Transport workshop in Washington DC, 15th January 2014:

Greenhouse gas removal (GGR) workshop on 10th February 2014, London:

Manufacturing sector workshops held in April and May 2014, Brussels

Buildings sector:

Climate-KIC climate science committee: